22. oktober, 2010 | Elena Pečarič

Nejasne ideje Križaniča o Loteriji

Odgovori ministra za finance po seji vlade.
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Na tiskovni konferenci Vlade smo ministra Križaniča spraševali o razlogih za zeleno luč Loteriji Slovenije za odkup petine Športne Loterije. Odgovora, ki bi bil vreden svojega imena, nismo dobili in se sprašujemo kakšno igro država igra z monopolnima loterijama.

Prav tako nam je še vedno misterij, kako se namerava lastništvo loterij izvesti na neprofitne organizacije. G. Križanič pa tudi ne ve nič o tem, da je še pred kratkim 33. člen Zakona o igrah na srečo onemogočal vlaganje v lastništvo in da je bil prav ta člen februarja letos spremenjen tako, da sedaj ni nobenih preprek kupčkanju in kupovanju. Ministrstvu smo tudi pisno poslali vprašanje in nestrpno pričakujemo odgovor ter pojasnila.

Elena Pečarič


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16 x komentirano
  • MEFISTO je rekel/-la:

    ANGIE se bo zgražal in bo odločno, kot zna samo on, zaščitil tudi Križaniča.

    • britev je rekel/-la:

      ZGORAJ se govori o Križaničevi nejasnostih ! Vraga, pri pokvarjenih izpridenih levičarjih je

      vse jasno, kako namreč pokrasti profitabilno “LOTERIJO”, si zagotoviti lagodje, ko ne bo

      več minister ! Pri levosučnežih je vse predvidljivo !


      BODO PUSTILI ! !

  • WHMH je rekel/-la:

    Tega nesposobneža ne more vi nihče zaščititi. V dveh letih je pokazal vso svojo intelektualno širino. Bolje, da ta usta zauvijek ostanu zatvorena …

  • Gorenc je rekel/-la:

    Itak bo odgovor nejasn, tako, da se ga ne splača čakat!

  • bolek je rekel/-la:

    Tale Križanič obvlada svoj posu. Vse finance bo zafural!

  • Forestina je rekel/-la:

    Mala teorija zarote o Dimičevi in Radićevi


  • Saša je rekel/-la:

    Ne vem kako je tale osnovno šolo naredu, saj sploh ne ve kaj ga sprašuješ!

  • Forestina je rekel/-la:

    Evo udbo dnevnik :) Začetek je.

    Just how automatic the response could be was clear in the killing of Italian
    security agent Nicola Calipari and the wounding of Italian journalist Giuliana
    Sgrena on the evening of March 4, 2005, when a gunner from the U.S. Army’s
    1-69th Infantry Battalion opened fire on the Italians’ car as it approached a
    roadblock at an access ramp onto the main highway to Baghdad International
    Airport. Known as ‘‘Route Irish,’’ the thoroughfare had seen numerous IED and
    car bomb attacks, and the commander of the unit said that ‘‘force protection
    was paramount in his mind’’ (U.S. DOD 2005:19). Poor communications and
    bad weather contributed to the incident. But so did the design of the roadblock
    and the ROE in force. The 1-69th did not have a written protocol for executing
    blocking positions as they did for checkpoints, though the unit had practiced
    roadblocks and had carried out similar missions before. The ROE were a rough
    translation of the 5 S’s: ‘‘Shout, that is, use the spotlight on an approaching
    vehicle as far in advance of the Alert Line as possible; Show, that is, use the
    green laser light, aimed at the driver, at the Alert Line; Shove, that is, fire warning
    shots; and Shoot, that is, disabling shots first, then, if necessary, shoot to
    kill’’ (U.S. DOD 2005:20).
    An Italian government report on the Calipari killing stressed the inexperience
    of the U.S. troops at the roadblock and surmised that ‘‘some of the soldiers
    made instinctive and barely controlled reactions’’ (Arie 2005). But all indications
    are that the unit used a form of graduated force and that the shooter, Specialist
    Mario Lozano, a National Guardsman from New York, followed the ROE. Seated
    in the turret of a humvee with a M240 machine gun, Specialist Lozano was to
    shine the hand-held spotlight toward the oncoming vehicle and, if necessary,
    drop the light, lift his weapon, and ‘‘engage the threat with well-aimed fire using
    both hands’’ (U.S. DOD 2005:18). The necessity of firing went unquestioned. So
    did the idea of using lethal force at roadblocks in the first place, when physical
    barriers alone might block the flow of traffic. Specialist Lozano’s judgment call
    was fairly straightforward. If the vehicle reached the warning line without slowing
    down, he would open fire and the risks of the encounter would be borne by the
    inhabitants of the oncoming car. The Calipari case is highly unusual in one
    respect: an Italian prosecutor charged Lozano with murder (citing lack of jurisdiction,
    a judge dismissed the charges in October 2007). But the underlying
    causes of the shootings had less to do with Specialist Lozano then they did with
    the poor design and inadequate illumination of the blocking point. There were
    no road signs or lights on the approach. The unit’s warning signs were in
    storage at the time; the investigator noted that ‘‘there is no requirement for
    signs, only a suggestion’’ (U.S. DOD 2005:16). The Italian report estimated that
    3 seconds elapsed between the warning signals and the time the gunner opened
    fire. Eleven bullets struck the car, rendering the distinction between disabling
    shots and lethal shots slim indeed. The Army investigator recommended better
    tactical training that distinguished between checkpoints and roadblocks, as well
    as other, non-lethal ways to engage oncoming vehicles, noting that ‘‘while effective
    for accomplishing the mission, the spotlight and laser pointer may not be
    the best system from a civilian point of view’’ (U.S. DOD 2005:35).

  • MEFISTO je rekel/-la:

    Forestina po svoji stari navadi spet odvrača pozornost od teme , tokrat od grobarja slovenskih financ.

  • britev je rekel/-la:

    ZGORAJ se govori o Križaničevi nejasnostih ! Vraga, pri pokvarjenih izpridenih levičarjih je

    vse jasno, kako namreč pokrasti profitabilno “LOTERIJO”, si zagotoviti lagodje, ko ne bo

    več minister !