Pred kratkim mi je slučajno prišel v roke marčevsko-aprilski Glas Cerkve za Kočevje in Mozelj. Kot skoraj vse, kar je napisano, sem ga na hitro preletel in se presenečen zamislil nad delom, ki si ga lahko preberete v priloženem “vzorcu”.
Aprilska oznanila
To, da Rimokatoliška Cerkev (RKC) svoje vernike tudi “izven sezone” volitev opominja, kako in koga je treba voliti, me ni presenetilo, razočaralo pa me je, da ob tem uporablja podoben “jezik” in “prijeme” kot najglasnejši jesiharji v državnem zboru.
Tudi jaz bi lahko, ker pač nasprotujem uvedbi verouka v šole, v vsak članek vtaknil kakšno tako: “Ne pošiljajte svojih otrok k verouku pred 15. letom, da jih ne bo kakšen “far” spolno zlorabil!” Pa mi kaj takega ne pride na misel, saj mi je jasno, da pedofilija ni poseben cerkveni problem in da bi bil tak način govora najnižja vrsta populistične manipulacije.
Toda ravno “prijemi” te vrste so razlog, da se ob 100.000 brezposelnih in vseh ostalih problemih “cela Slovenija zdaj ubada ali bosta dva dedca imela otroka in ali se bosta dve ženski lahko poročili”, se pravi z delčkom Družinskega zakona, ki ne bo nikomur ničesar odvzel, ki ne bo nikogar ničesar stal, kakšnemu procentu (ali celo samo nekaj promilom) državljanov pa bo dal možnost, da z zakonsko podlago zaživijo v skupnosti, kakršno si želijo.
De se RKC takšna “zveza” zdi nesprejemljiva, me ne čudi, saj svojim vernikom zapoveduje, da je že vsako “čohanje med nogami” greh, da ne govorimo o kakšnih drugih spolnih praksah, kontracepciji, splavu, …. Pravice do tega ji tudi ne mislim oporekati in povsem neproblematično se mi zdi, da istospolnemu paru v skladu s svojimi nauki ne bo omogočila cerkvene poroke.
Toda zakonov normalne laične države (kar naj bi Slovenija bila) ne sprejemajo samo za in po meri ene religije (oziroma njenih interpretov, kar je v tem primeru RKC), sprejemajo jih za čimbolj nekonfliktno sobivanje državljanov različnih ver, nazorov, okusov, … Nasprotne primere si lahko ogledate v Iranu ter deloma v nekaterih muslimanskih in izrazito katoliških državah.
Skratka, ves cirkus okoli Družinskega zakona se mi zdi nekaj podobnega, kot če bi se vodstvo neke delavske menze odločilo, da poleg desetih “mesnih” menijev ponudi še enega vegetarijanskega, nakar bi zapriseženi ljubitelji krač, pečenk in zrezkov začeli vsevprek dokazovati, da jed brez mesa ni prava jed in da nikakor ne more pokriti vseh potreb “normalnega” človeka, ter na raznih zborovanjih biti plat zvona, da to vodi v propad Slovenije, če ne kar celega sveta.
Sicer pa se mi zdi (zadnje čase vedno bolj odkrita) želja RKC, da bi vplivala na “posvetno” zakonodajo, precej sporna - tudi zaradi tega, ker se je držijo le, če jim to ustreza. Tako še nisem slišal za primer, da bi Cerkev kjerkoli v svetu duhovnika, za katerega so vedeli, da je zlorabljal otroke, prijavila civilnim oblastem - v večini držav bi bilo tako zamolčanje za kateregakoli “civila” kaznivo dejanje.
Poleg tega imam vtis, da se Cerkev “po potrebi” ne drži niti tistega, kar zapoveduje svojim vernikom - vsaj v Sloveniji ne. Naša RKC je namreč še vedno večinski lastnik podjetja T-2 d.o.o., ki denar služi (tudi) s prodajo pornografije. Za podjetje te vrste je to pač tržna nuja, a da ustanova kot je RKC vztraja pri lastništvu, dokler zanj ne dobi dovolj ugodne ponudbe? To pa so že vprašanja za morebitne bralce, ki so bolj versko izobraženi kot jaz: Je prodajanje pornografije greh? Če je, ali je greh tudi v primeru, ko se s tem debeli cerkveni mošnjiček? Je gledanje pornografije greh? In če je, ali je ta greh kaj manjši, če jo gledaš na T-2 in s tem posledično prispevaš k finančni krepitvi Cerkve?
Spomnim se, da sem nekoč marsikdaj zavidal vernikom, saj se mi je zdelo, da jim je v določenih trenutkih življenja lažje kot nam ateistom. Toda to je bilo v časih, ko je Cerkev tako prek nadškofa gospoda Šuštarja kot prek “navadnih” duhovnikov govorila nek povsem drug jezik, ko se je ukvarjala predvsem z vero in verniki, ne pa s pridobivanjem kapitalskih dobičkov, lastništev gozdov in otokov ter vse večjega vpliva v politiki in posvetni državi. Sedaj mi je od takih misli ostalo le še globoko spoštovanje do pokojnega nadškofa in do ljudi, vernih ali nevernih, ki bližnjim in manj bližnjim ne vsiljujejo svojih nazorov za vsako ceno.
Bojan Marinč
kogarkoli ti iz cerkve podprejo ta propade tako T2 kot PID božji zvon !
Mora da je tisti ta glavni v rimu pravi satan !
heh,Cerkev “propadate” že 2000 let, za nekatere (tudi tebe) najboljši sistem na svetu pa je propadel v zgolj sedemdesetih…in po nekaj desetmiljonih poklanih razrednih sovražnikih
intermezzo: Vatikan je središče
Premierjev hlevar je bil visok mafijski šef
tile v cerkvi nimajo sreče tako kot vsi skupaj ne kamor koli se priključimo v kako tvorbo ta propade npr avstrogarska, yuga 1, tretji rajh, yuga 2, EU…..
nemara zato, ker smo izdali vero svojih prednikov pred 1000 leti in se sedaj klanjamo malikom po farovžih in satanu v rim
No,morda smo kdaj tudi nori,nismo pa neumni - torej se ni kaj za čudit!
ljudje smo zmanipulire ovce, ovca pa je lahko pametna kot sam zlodej pa ji nič ne pomaga vse končajo na krožniku
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Vest. Vest said: Glas Cerkve?: To, da Rimokatoliška Cerkev (RKC) svoje vernike tudi "izven sezone" volitev opominja, kako in koga j… [...]
politkomisarji pa farovžih so se zelo začeli eksponirat od kar je prišel novi boss in zamenjal miroljubnega prejšnega.
še malo pa bodo ti politkomisarji začeli nositi pištole in bombe za pasom !
Še en prispevek k slovenski levičarski blaznosti.
Morda se pa tudi na ta način brani arbitražni sporazum.
To je vse kar lohk rečete?
Napad na levičarsko blaznost?
ja sej, če vam tkole v cerkvi zapovejo, pol pa že mora tko bit, a ne… :o)
veš kaj mi je neverjetno fascinantno: da v bistvu je med vernimi veliko več desničarjev, ki pa imajo strašno oz. najbolj sovražno dikcijo, žaljivo, pritlehno, veliko je cinizma, maščevalnosti itd. ?? Narobe svet? :o))
Ljubi svojega bližnjega, strpnost, ljubezen, odpuščanje in tako dalje. :))) ;)
Samo 1x sem bila na cerkveni poroki in me je vse skupaj tako užalostilo, da nikol več ne grem. Dobesedno nasilno jemanje casha (17 krogov okol, da se ja kakega posameznika ne izpusti, z uno pušico pa so dobesedno dregali vate), lobiranje za rkc in celo neke funkcionarje (na cerkveni poroki!!!!??).
Nič drugače ni bilo na pogrebu lani, kjer sem itak bila žalostna zarad prezgodnje smrti bratranca, potem pa še tole obnašanje, vredno vse kritike.
Slabo mi je postalo od hinavščine, blišča, a bede, posiljevanja z nazori, prikritega ali celo brezsramno odkritega lobiranja… da nisem mogla več dihat in kljub temu da sem se iz spoštovanja matrala da bi do konca zdržala, mi ni uspelo - sem morala ven *pobegnit*.
Na cerkveni poroki pa sem bila med redkimi ‘neverniki’, pa sem skoraj edina bila spoštljiva (saj kljub temu da meni to nič ne pomeni, spoštujem spoštovanje mladoporočencev) - tam klečala, vsi ostali z umazanimi čevlji gor, klepetali, opravljali, koketirali, nisem mogla verjet da to gledam na cerkveni poroki!
Groza, kakšen vtis. :((
Bogi Kristus. :||
tudi mene žalosti in jezi dvoličnost naše RKC, Mimi.
Hočeš še en primer iz žive prakse?Torej, krščen človek, z obhajilom in birmo ter poročen, a le civilno, ne SME biti boter otroku, rojenemu sicer v izvenzakonski skupnosti. PREPOVEDANO, so rekli, nimate VSEH zakramnetov. Botra pa je bila lahko otrokova babica, čeprav NIKOLI ni bila poročena in njena hči niti ne ve, kdo je njen oče…
kaj praviš k temu, Mefisto?
Nekateri se očitno slabo počutijo v Sloveniji.
Stvar izbire.
Pred časom sem bil na nekem tako imenovanem civilnem pogrebu.
Ker pokojnik ni bil tako pomemben, kot je za življenja mislil, tudi govornika ni bilo.
Pokorjeno ljudstvo pravi, da je bilo na pogrebu tako, kot bi psa pokopavali.
kakšno veselje na MANIFEJSTO daje…..
prepričan sem namreč, da je on res samo neki rovtarski duhonik, ki je v mladosti bil zlorabljen … z materine strani seveda….
nato ga je BOGIĆ poklical, da serje po internetu in tiste dve mamce v cerkvi servisira…
saj je jasno, da ne si frigiden in to ne od strosti… še veliko strasti ti želim… FISTO
Nomen est omen.
Že po imenu je bilo mogoče pričakovati, da tudi s pametjo ne boš pretiraval.
Mefisto.”Pred časom sem bil na nekem tako imenovanem civilnem pogrebu.
Ker pokojnik ni bil tako pomemben, kot je za življenja mislil, tudi govornika ni bilo.
Pokorjeno ljudstvo pravi, da je bilo na pogrebu tako, kot bi psa pokopavali.”
To je trvoj od boga požegnab podpis. Revež
Kaj je totalno nasprotje Mefistu?
Talele deklica
Rodetova in Štuhecova praksa, da sta ob vsaki njima neljubi omembi “Svete Cerkve” to označila kot napad nanjo, se je izkazala za enako manipulacijo kot opletanje z nacionalnim interesom; nobene kritične distance do milorečeno čudnih odklonov in praks.
Vsak ima lahko nacionalni interes, le slovenec joka z bogom na obcestnem kamnu.
pozor: cerkev ima nekaj česar nihče drugi nima: odpuščanje grehov že za čas življenja!!
Ga nihče njen ne more tako usrati, da bi se lahko sekiral dlje kot traja ,olitev za odpustek :)
Ideja družine je starejša od vseh nas, zatorej je to idejo potrebno spoštovati na način, da je ne spreminja v jedru, tako bi se lahko podobna zveza imenovala drugače, kar pa bi zopet šlo v nos homoseksualnim parom, ki na vsak način želijo postati “družina”.
Prav tako bi se posvojitve lotili drugače, starši v pogodbi zapišejo, da dovolijo posvojitev svojih otrok homoseksualnim parom, v kolikor tega ne dovolijo, lahko njihove otroke v primeru nesreče ali česarkoli drugega posvoji heteroseksualni par. Vse skupaj je sila enostavno, vse to bi se dalo zapisati že ob rojstvu otroka.
Cerkev pa se je in se bo (morda so bila obdobja, ko to ni veljalo) vmešavala v politiko države, saj ima na svoji strani ogromno množico ljudi, katerim lahko prodaja takšno ali drugačno prepričanje. Tega pa ne počne zgolj RKC, temveč to počno tudi vse ostale tovrstne “organizacije”.
Dober post, se strinjam.
a si lahko zamislimo naval k matičarjem, ko bi se duhovniki poročali in na socialo, ko bi želeli posvojiti vse tiste “črnčke”, ki so jih njihovi bratje namigali v tretjem svetu :)
Jesihar proti Jesiharju!!
V arhivu sem našel en zanimiv članek:
The Gospels have deep, Inner teachings that are both of great value but not seen or understood by dogmatic religion - indeed they are used as instruments of control.
Christianity - or to be more specific the Roman Catholic Church - has set back humanity both Spiritually and Culturally for many thousands of years - since the 4th century in fact - resulting for example in what history calls “the dark ages” and the associated misery, suffering and desolation associated with these times.
When I quote the person known as Jesus, or write about his life and teachings in depth, as I will do today, I do so to keep his True Spiritual Guidance alive and in his intended context, that his life and Divine Service will not have been for nothing. Jesus would not have been interested in any form or recognition, and especially not fame, but only that his words and guidance live on in the purest possible form.
This week therefore I have been inspired to depart from my usual Spiritually focused subjects in order to help unravel the Mysteries - the Enigma - of this single person known as “Jesus” who has influenced the course of humanity - for better or for worse - more than any other.
There have of course been others we should recognise including, but certainly not limited to Gautama Buddha and Muhammad, both equally misunderstood, and each of whom, in the interests of balance, I will discuss in future Newsletters.
Now we must begin by separating “Jesus the Man” from the doctrines and religion with which he is now associated - Christianity.
Let us then take a look at the origins and motives of Christianity first.
It is a historical fact that the Christian religion was contrived by a Roman Emperor - Constantine - and formalised in the year 325 CE at Nicaea, Turkey, at a time when the Roman Military Empire was in sharp decline.
The Romans knew that they could no longer exert worldwide domination by military means, and therefore needed an alternative strategy.
Ever since the dawn of humanity, people have believed in, and most significantly feared an invisible power, or powers which came to be known as “gods”.
Such was this fear that in most cultures sacrifices and offerings would be made in order to appease these gods, believing that failure to do so would result in the wrath of these gods, manifesting in all manner of terrible consequences.
The Romans knew very well that “gods” are feared at a very deep level.
For the leaders of these religions, these gods were very convenient, simply because they were invisible, and therefore could not be disproven. It was also therefore a simple matter to attribute events - good or bad - to the “will” of these gods.
At the time of Constantine, the prevalent religion was Mithraism which worshipped - and made sacrifices to - the god Mithras. Constantine also worshipped Mithras, and indeed history has shown it likely that although he was complicit in the creation of the “new religion” which became the Roman Church - now the Roman Catholic Church - he never actually “converted” himself, remaining a Mithras worshipper to his death.
Now Constantine and his council new that they could never create a power motivated religion out of Mithras - the god was too familiar and lacked the elements required for absolute control - and therefore a new “power figure” was needed.
They also knew that this new “power figure” must be acceptable to the Roman populous, and later the world.
The Romans already knew of the life and works of a man who lived around 400 years previously, who later became known as “Jesus”, and around whose life and teachings much had later been written, notably in the form of the “Gospels”.
Here then was the ideal candidate. Jesus was already well known, and the Gospels would form the perfect focus and literature to which people could relate to.
Much could be said about the origin of the Gospels themselves, but this is a large subject more appropriate to a future Newsletter.
Constantine and his council knew that they would need more texts than these central Gospel texts, and so they set about compiling the “canon” of the new “Bible” from a disparate collection of additional texts that had been collected from throughout the Roman Empire.
At the Council of Nicaea Constantine and his cohorts set about sifting through all these texts, retaining the ones which best suited their purpose - power and control - and discarding - usually burning - the rest. Thus the canon of the original Bible was created.
It should be briefly mentioned that although Jesus spoke Aramaic, a form of Ancient Hebrew, the Gospels were written in Ancient Greek by people unknown, many decades after his death from stories passed on through the generations by word of mouth - they were not written from stories that had been kept alive by the disciples to which they were attributed.
Aramaic is not a literal language in the same way that English is, and is therefore subject to creative interpretation. Also of course, like the game “Chinese whispers”, they were changed and embellished over the years to suite the story tellers.
Over the centuries the Bible has been further changed numerous times to suit the ambitions and objectives of the various, often competing, factions of the Christian
religion, largely to maintain their stranglehold over their congregations, often adding and subtracting doctrines at the same time.
Having compiled the basis for the new Bible which was to form the doctrines of the new religion, they realised that selling it to the populous would be no easy task, due to the fact that - as today - people generally like to cling to things they were already familiar with.
To overcome this Constantine and his council decided to “graft” on to the basic texts the pagan myths that the populous was most familiar with, especially Mithras.
So they added the “God-man”, “virgin birth”, ministry, crucifixion and resurrection myths.
Now these “God-man”, “virgin birth”, ministry, crucifixion and resurrection myths which have been circulating for thousands of years, are well known to many, always following an almost identical format, starting with Osiris in Egypt and ending with Mithras - a theme which was applied to 16 previous God-men before Jesus.
I will not go in to the specifics because it is suffice to say that if you know the story surrounding Jesus, then you know the story surrounding these previous God-men.
As with the previous God-men, there is absolutely zero historical evidence, written or geological, that supports these myths in any way whatsoever.
These myths were of course necessary to give these God-men a mythic, Divine air of importance, without which they would not have been accepted.
I am personally, absolutely certain that the central myth and basis of the Christian Religion - the virgin birth, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus did not take place, but are rather metaphors which, the significance of which, while being understood in the times of the Ancient Egyptians, had long since been lost.
But what of the ministry? Here the plot thickens.
I am equally certain that the person who came to be known as “Jesus” did exist.
I am sure you will be asking, quite rightly, how I may be so sure?
Well the evidence lies in the actual words contained within the Gospels themselves.
I refer not to the Christian interpretation of the Gospels -if they understood the true meaning they would surely not have been included - but the Inner, Deeper, Spiritual, Divine, Metaphysical meanings that lie below the surface.
The man who came to be known as Jesus presented his teachings in such a way that only those who could understand, would understand. This was a “safety valve” so as not to disorientate those who were not ready to receive such teachings.
I feel almost certain also that the man known as Jesus was an advanced Spiritual Being who came to Earth around 2000 years ago - he was born well before his
“official birthday” 4 days after the Winter Solstice when the Sun begins to “rise” again, bringing “Light to the World” - to begin the Awakening process in readiness for the Transition we are now Experiencing.
It is worth noting that had his teachings not been hijacked by the Romans for their own agenda, he may well have succeeded in his mission to Awaken a much higher percentage of humanity than is now the case, instead of being used as an instrument to enslave billions of people within a prison of materialism, fear and guilt.
Now I was inspired to formally reject Christianity - which was taught in schools as a fact decades ago - at the age of 8 years, and for many years shunned the Bible - especially the Gospels - as part of the religious conspiracy of the church. It was not until I was inspired to read the Gospels many years later that it struck me just how profound these words are at a deeper, inner level.
However - I was not seeing the words as taught in church, I was seeing only the very deep Inner Wisdom which abounds throughout the Gospels. It soon occurred to me that there was absolutely no way that the Romans could have seen and understood these meanings, and if they did they would be so contrary to their objectives of power and control that they would have been destroyed and most certainly not have been included in the Bible.
In fact I am certain that because the Gospels are so fundamental to the Christian religion, the Christian religion might not have been invented at all. The “new religion” would have been based on a whole different set of texts and characters.
Ironically - the very precautions the man known as Jesus took to prevent his teachings falling in to the wrong hands, eventually resulted in them actually falling in to the wrong hands.
Had Jesus been born, and sent his message a few hundred years later, the outcome would have been very different and humanity would look very different.
Equally ironically we would know vastly more about what the Ancient Mayans and others were showing us about this Transitional Era, had the Roman church not ordered the destruction of all non-Christian texts wherever they went, as well as the execution and/or torture, for example during the “inquisition, of countless millions of Spiritual people - branded by the Roman Catholic church as “heretics” - who refused to bow down to and conform to the Christian doctrines.
This also extended to pagans, scientists and others with views contrary to the church, millions of whom were “burnt at the stake” after being horribly tortured.
To me, therefore, the reality of the existence of the man known as “Jesus” lies not in the myths that surround him - forming the basis of the Christian religion - but in the words themselves - or more specifically the Inner, True meaning of those words.
We do not know how much of the Gospels have been changed or omitted altogether, or lost in translation, or have been inadvertently distorted as they were originally passed from person to person through word of mouth, but I do think that the authors
of the Gospels were inspired to write them, and that the Gospels, in the form intended by Jesus, would, in its intended form, be a book of Initiation in to the Inner states of Consciousness, Spiritual Awareness and indeed of Enlightenment.
Had the Gospels - as they came to be called - not been subsumed in to a dogmatic religion, and totally misrepresented by the church, then they would have been of immense value and still can be - which is why I so often quote them in Newsletters.
It should be noted that recent discoveries of texts from the era - for example the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Library - which are in their original form and therefore represent a true historical record - confirm my own thoughts, while, at the same time, are causing panic in the Roman Catholic church due to their potential to expose the Christian religion for what it really is.
It is no coincidence that these ancient texts have been discovered during this Transitional Era, and I am sure that many more such texts will be discovered soon.
Not so many years ago the Vatican would have seized these texts under threat of death to bury them in the vast Vatican archives along with all those other seized texts over the centuries - but this is no longer possible. Scientists and historians have more power than the church, and people are now more interested in historical fact rather than the empty religious doctrine and self interest the church clings on to.
So the next question we might ask is “who then was this man known as Jesus”?
Well we may never know the true answer to this question, and indeed must ask whether it is even relevant. His words and guidance stand alone are abundant testimony to the fact that a great Spiritual Guide came to Earth for the benefit of humanity, and left us with a great legacy.
I could speculate who Jesus was and how his life progressed, but does it matter? To look at the man himself would be to overlook his crucial guidance.
Let us then continue to separate his message from the religious doctrines of power and control through fear and guilt that were contrived in his name, and benefit as he originally intended.
Was Jesus the “Son of God”. Yes he was. But so too are you no more and no less a Divine Son or Daughter - an equal Expression - of God, Source, and accordingly equally Unconditionally Loved. Let us Celebrate that Truth - for that is the fundamental message that Jesus brought to humanity - and it is Truly Wonderful.
Kdo bo bral to solato?
motiš se!
In spet smo tam,..ovce so za klanje, nič se ne da spremeniti,..a res?
Še kako se da spremeniti,..dober članek g. Marinč.
v Sloveniji lahko vsi povemo lastno mnenje razen cerkev,ki tega ne sme povedati
No jaz zagotovo vem kje divje odlagališče gradbenih odpadkov od prenavljanja pastoralne centra.
In še vedno je tam, navkljub prijaznim opozorilom naj pospravijo to smetišče sredi medvedovih revirjev.
Me zanima če je to noro delo plod sodelovanja z lovci.
Ali spada med novih deset smrtnih grehov?
hektar, cerkev je že tolk hektarov pohopsala, da ji ni potrebno govoriti. mej se..
Mirjam, ja res cerkev ima veliko gozdov, za katero bo v bljižnji prihodnosti plačala velik davek . Obstaja premoženje, ki ti prinaša samo stroške in premoženje, ki ti prinaša dobiček. Npr. otok na Bledu prinaša cerkvi same stroške in slab ugled. lep dan še naprej
Evo angela, naj ga še cerkev šliši:
Tomo Križnar: Evropski uniji se lahko pasivnost do Darfurja močno maščuje
“Nehajmo nazdravljati s šampanjcem in se obnašati kot nore kure, naredimo nekaj za človečnost,” je pozval Križnar.
Cerkvenim dostjanstvenikom bi srčno priporočal, da pozivajo ljudi, vernike, da gredo na referendum, dovolj je te pasivnosti, zlasti po odhodu DR. RODE- ta v VATIKAN !
pa kdo jim lektorira to cerkveno trobilo??! vejice so kar malo na hojladri postavljene…
Glas angela:
Sedaj šele vidim zakaj se reče: “Oster kot britev.” Hahahahahahaha